O.M.G Lasagna!!
Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Rice Free, Refined Sugar Free, Soya Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Lactose Free.
Endometriosis Safe, Crohns & Coeliac Safe
Lasagna filling:
500g Turkey Mince
1 courgette
a punnet of chestnut mushrooms
1/2 red onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 tin or either chopped or plum tomatoes and chop them
a massive squirt of tomato puree
Cheese Sauce:
1 oz Pure Spread
2 oz sorghum flour (or until the flour has absorbed the spread
4 heaped tbls natural yeast
2 tsp vegetable stock powder
1/2 liter hazelnut milk ( or until your sauce is thick enough to your liking)
First like always chop and dice your vegetables.
Put 1 Tbls Sunflower oil into the pan and wait for it to get hot.
Pop the red onions and garlic into the pan and stir, wait for them to soften nicely.
Add your Turkey.
Keep turning the turkey until it all turns white.
You dont want to over cook your turkey or it will just go rubbery.
Add your courgettes, mushrooms and tinned tomatoes.
Stir it all together.
Squeeze out around a tbls or 2 of your tomato puree over your meat mixture.
Stir the puree into the mixture.
Add 100ml water.
Stir the water into the mixture so the tomato puree and tomato juices combine.
Add a further 200ml water.
Give it a mix around.
Then pop the lid on.
When the sauce is bubbling under the lid, take the lid off and turn the heat down to simmer and let the sauce reduce a little.
The sauce is important to cook the pasta in your lasagna so do not pour any away.
Whilst your sauce is reducing you can get your deep metal dish ready for making the lasagna layers.

A metal dish is important to use because it will let your lasagna pasta to cook all the way through.
roll out your pasta very thin, so that it will cook nicely.
Leave the first rolled out pasta on the side whilst you make your sauce.

Melt the pure in a pan on a low heat.
Add the natural yeast flakes, vegetable stock powder, sorghum flour and mix it in with the melted pure spread.
Once a it has all been asorbed start adding the milk gradually stirring as you go.
Make sure you mix it a little at a time.
Keep adding the milk until it gets to your lovely and thick sauce consistency.

Ladle one scoop of the turkey mixture into the bottom of the metal dish.
Next lay your pasta sheet you have just rolled out on top.
Spoon another load of turkey mixture on top of the pasta.
Add a ladle of your cheese sauce.
Then a pasta sheet.
Add all of your turkey mixture.
Another way to roll out your pasta is between two pieces of baking paper, keep turning the sheets every time you roll to create an even base.
Peel off the top baking sheet.
Place it onto your lasagna face down and peel the baking paper off slowly.

Spread all of your remaining cheese sauce on top using a knife.
Sprinkle ground almonds ontop.
Put it on a middle shelf on gas mark 5 for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes your lasagna should look like the below photo, it serves like a dream and stays together.
Serve straight away....If you are hungry serve with steamed vegetables.
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