The Most Simplest Creamy Vegan Carbonara Sauce in the World!
(Yes I said the World! your need to try it)
Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten, Wheat, Rice, Soya, Dairy, Lactose, Refined Sugar, Red Meat & Egg Free
3 heaped Tbls Nutritional Yeast
2 tsp Dijon Mustard GF
2 tsp Marigold Vegetable Bouillon Vegan (Purple)
5 Tbls Cashew Butter
150ml Hot Water (less if you like it thick)

Whilst your pasta is on the stove cooking take a bowl and add all the ingredients except for the water.
When the pasta is cooked and ready simply pour the hot pasta water straight into the bowl with your ingredients in.
Next stir all the ingredients together to make a delicious sauce for your pasta.
Turn your pasta out onto the sauce and toss it around.
Sprinkle any desired herb on top and serve.
x x x
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