Beetroot Velveteen Cake
Vegan, Wheat Free, Gluten Free, Rice Free, Soya Free, Refined Sugar Free, Yeast Free, Caffeine Free. Endometriosis, Crohns & Celiac Disease Safe.
8oz Beetroot Peeled & Cooked
2 tins of butter beans (still remove the skins)
1 tsp Vanilla Paste
4oz unrefined sugar
2 tbls carob powder
2 dissolved tsp Chicory Coffee
1 tsp baking powder
2 floz Unrefiend Coconut Oil
Raspberry & Strawberry Jam (Recipe Here)
Dusting of icing sugar

Pre-heat your oven on gas mark 4.
Line your tins with foil or baking paper.
In a blender put your skinned butter beans and beetroot and blend them together.
You can either transfer your mixture to a bowl or continue using your blender.

Melt your coconut oil and dissolve your chicory powder with 1 Tsp of hot water.
Add the rest of your ingredients and either mix with a wooden spoon or in your blender.

Your mixture should now be a thicker deeper red like tomato puree.

Spoon the mixture evenly into your pre-lined tins.
Place foil loosely over the top to prevent burning.
Place in your pre-heated over at gas mark 4, for 30 minutes.
Take the tin foil off and turn the oven up to gas mark 5 for a further 5-10 minutes.

Leave on the side to cool and set. It is best left in the fridge over night.

Spread your jam on the top or just enjoy as it is.
Sprinkle with Unrefined Icing sugar.
x x x
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