Two Ways To Make Faux Scotch Welsh Eggs
Lets call them welsh just to celebrate the six nations wales Vs Scotland match on the 9/3/13
I have been thinking of these recipes for a long time and actually making them was really fun and they worked so im really happy and as a bonus they were really tasty too! Hope you enjoy it.
Vegan, Wheat free, gluten free, soya free, rice free - Crohns, Coeliac & Endometriosis Safe
Will make 2 large Faux Welsh Eggs
Will make 2 large Faux Welsh Eggs
Faux Eggs:
1 Sweet potato
4 Heaped Tsp Almond Flour
1 Heaped Tbls Potato Flour
1 Tsp Almond Butter
4 Heaped Tsp Quinoa Flour
A Drizzle of Cyder Vinegar
7 Tsp Gluten Free Oats
1/2 Tsp Salt + Pepper
400ml Water
1 Tsp Arrowroot
1 Tsp Bouillon Vegan Stock
Vegan Outer Case:
Steamed Sausage Recipe
Endometriosis Safe Outer Case:
166g Turkey Mince
3oz Quinoa
Drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp Cyder Vinegar
1 Tsp Mixed Herbs

Faux Eggs:
1 Sweet potato
4 Heaped Tsp Almond Flour
1 Heaped Tbls Potato Flour
1 Tsp Almond Butter
4 Heaped Tsp Quinoa Flour
A Drizzle of Cyder Vinegar
7 Tsp Gluten Free Oats
1/2 Tsp Salt + Pepper
400ml Water
1 Tsp Arrowroot
1 Tsp Bouillon Vegan Stock
Vegan Outer Case:
Steamed Sausage Recipe
Endometriosis Safe Outer Case:
166g Turkey Mince
3oz Quinoa
Drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp Cyder Vinegar
1 Tsp Mixed Herbs
First of all peel and chop your sweet potatoes.
Cover them with water and bring them to the boil.
When they have cooked mash them up without adding anything to them.
Next add the almond flour and Potato Flour and mix.
Add your Almond butter and beat that into your mixture till its well mixed.
Next wash your hands to get them wet and take a tbls of the sweet potato mixture and use your hand and the spoon to make them into regular size yolk balls.
Boil water in a pan.
Once you have brought it to a rolling boil place each of your yolk into the water.
leave them a couple of minutes then fish them out with a slotted spoon.
I went a little over board with my yolks as you can see. But i used 3 sweet potatoes oops! They were a tasty snack.
Put your yolks onto a piece of baking paper on a tray.
Pop them into the oven on gas mark 5 / 190oC / 375oF for 25 minutes or until golden.
Like this.
Leave your yolks to cool down as they will be too squidgy right now.
If you haven't got or cannot find any quinoa or GF oat flour then use your blender on your quinoa seeds and GF oats.
Just pour the amount into a blender and blend until they are a powder or as close as you can get to a powder.
Put your quinoa flour and GF Oat flour into a pan and on a medium heat add your water and cook as you would porridge.
The Mixture should thicken.
When it has thickened alot turn off the heat.
Turn off the heat and leave to cool.
Add your arrowroot, almond flour, cyder vinegar and stock and stir in and leave to cook some more.
Leave to cool.
When your mixture has cooled and your yolks have cooled also you can now start making your eggs!
Make a nest wih your fingers big enough to take the yolk in the middle.
Place your yolk in its nest.
Then take another dollop of the egg white porridge and make a disk to fit over the top of the yolk.
Now you can form your egg shape.
Put all your lovely egg creations onto baking paper on a tray.
Pop your eggs in the oven on gas mark 4 / 180oC / 350oF 20 minutes.
Check on them, turn the tray and then put the heat up to gas mark 6 / 200oC / 400oF.
Your Eggs should be golden brown.
Just incase you are curious, this is what your eggs will look like inside so you don't have to waste an egg.
You can follow THIS recipe for the steamed sausage but i used kidney beans instead.
When you have let your sausage mix cool.
Squash the sausage mixture and mould it around your eggs.
Form it into a ball, be careful not to squish your eggs inside.
Now roll your Welsh Egg in almond flour.
Then place it on a piece of baking paper and put it onto a tray whilst you prepare your others.
Cook your quinoa with 3/4 the amount of water to your quinoa.Add your olive oil, cyder vinegar and mixed herbs.
Mix together, Leave to cool.
Now add your turkey, You might want to just get your hands in there and squish it altogether.
Now you have your Coating you can start building it around your eggs.
Form it into a ball.
Roll it in almond flour.
Put into the oven on gas mark 5 / 190oC / 375oF for 25-30 minutes.
Your Welsh Eggs should be crispy looking and your turkey should be white all over.
And there you go. You can keep these in the fridge for 4 days but should be eaten on the 4th day.
Here they are inside.
Hope you enjoy making them as much as i did
Vegan Welsh Egg Inside:
Endometriosis-Safe Welsh Egg Inside:
x x x
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