Thursday, 17 October 2013

Motivation & Positivity Questionnaire Answers Features: Cara Garrity x Plus Recipes x

Motivation & Positivity Questionnaire Answers Features: Cara Garrity

Recipes that are inspired by Cara's answers below
Four types of gluten free Scampi  

What keeps you motivated? (To do excersize or the diet) 

 feeling well after I have ate properly and done my exercise keeps me motivated to keep up with the endo diet and exercise. 

*Can you give me one positive thing/thought that having endo has taught you that you didn't do before?  

- it's taught me to listen to my body!  When I'm feeling unwell and in pain I need to give in and rest and when I'm feeling good I need to exercise. 

*what is your go to thing that will make you  instantly happy every single time you do/go to/have/are with it? 

- My exercise. I play football and due to an injury and my endo pain I was not able to play for 2 years. It's my one thing that makes me feel instantly better. 

*If you could give advise/motivation to a fellow endo sister what would it be?

- No matter how unwell you feel get outdoors. You will feel better for it immediately. Wrap up (if its cold) and have a walk. Tell yourself I will have a 10 minute walk, once your outside I bet you you will stay for longer. 
*One thing/person that is inspirational to you and why? 

- All the endo sisters! Also I follow fitness ladies on Instagram and Facebook this helps to motivate me to continue exercising and eating well. 

*What is your favourite exercise to do that you find eases your endo pain? 

- I love playing football. It's hard work but there is nothing like that feeling of running, for me this helps my pain. I also like yoga and hiking. 

*And finally have you a favourite endo friendly recipe you'd like to share that makes you feel great?

- I don't have a particular recipe I eat lots of fruit, vegetables (especially greens) and lots of fish. If I need carbs, I will have gluten free fruit bread and wheat free pasta dishes. 

Your name: (whatever you want to be known as) Cara Garrity

Recipe Inspired By Cara's Answers:
Baked Gluten Free Scampi

For all the Scampi's pre-heat your oven Gas Mark 7, Medium to top shelf for 20-25 minutes.

Sesame Breaded Prawns
Chia egg 1/2 tbls
Red Bob masa 1 Tbls
Vegan Bouillon Stock 1 Tsp
Dried Parsley 1 Tsp
Water 6 Tbls
Enough Sesame Seeds to Roll in

Mix together on a plate your vegan stock, parsley and masa.

Now mix in your water and chia egg.

Dip your prawns into the masa mixture.

Then roll in the sesame seeds.

Place onto a baking tray.

Coconut Prawns
Coconut Flour 3 Tbls
Chia Egg to drip in
Sprinkle of Cumin, Paprika and Turmeric 

On a plate mix your coconut flour and spices together.

Dip your prawns into your chia egg.

Then dip your chia coated prawns into your coconut mix.

Place on your baking tray.

Crunchy Quinoa Scampi
Ground Chia 1 Tbls 
Water 3 Tbls 
Quinoa Flakes to roll in
Dried Parsley 1 Tsp 
Dried Dill Tops 1 Tsp
Paprika 1/2 Tsp
Pepper 1/4 Tsp

Prepare your quinoa flakes by mixing them on a plate with the spices.

Dip your prawns into the chia egg mixture.

Press the prawns onto the quinoa flakes.

Place the prawns onto your baking tray.

Breaded Scampi 
Ground Almonds 2 Tbls
Chia Egg to dip in
Nutritional Yeast 1 Tbls
Dried Parsley 1 Tsp
Vegan bouillon Stock 1 Tsp
Paprika 1/2 Tsp 

Mix all your dry ingredients on a plate.

Dip your prawns into your chia egg mixture.

Roll your chia coated prawns into your almond mix.

Place onto your baking tray.


 x x x

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