Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Motivation & Positivity Questionnaire Answers Features: Aly Hollewijn's x PLUS recipes x

Motivation & Positivity Questionnaire
Featuring: Aly Hollewijn
Recipes Below:
Aly's Protein Shake
JE's Frozen Blueberry Protein Smoothie 

Aly Hollewijn is the First to be featured on my Motivation & Positivity Questionnaire, As she helped inspire me to create this to boost Happiness, Power, Motivation, Inspiration & Positivity in EVERYONE!

*What keeps you motivated?
Staying motivated can be tought but I love knowing that I am beating out all odds. When I see a small amount of abs (endo sisters you know just as well as I do that seeing abs is a big deal because of the abdominal swelling and bloating! I love seeing them) and or wake up feeling somewhat normal I know that I could have decided to give up and let this thing take over my life and it is proof that I am a fighter. I want to fight and prove to the world that it can be done and I want other endo sisters to see it and know that no matter where they are with their health they can do it too! Knowing that I am motivating others really pumps me up! 

*Can you give me one positive thing/thought that having endo has given you?
Wow it has actually given me a lot of positive thoughts! I dont think I can give you just one. It has eventually given me a more powerful and positive outlook on life. 

*what is your go to thing that will make you  instantly happy every single time you do/go to/have/are with it?
I think most people reading this would think exercise and my mind goes there too but it actually isn't the answer because some days are really hard and putting a true smile on my face after a painful workout feels almost impossible. I love working with teenagers and I am a soccer coach. Going out on the field and being able to influence and work with those girls never fails to turn any day around...even if they are being typical teenage snoots! :)

*If you could give advise/motivation to a fellow endo sister what would it be?
Dont let the negative effects of endo run your life. Chose to look at it as an opportunity to become healthier and get to know your body! You will have really tough days or workouts take what is going on, process it and be angry or sad but dont let it last feel what you need to feel and move on. It will be hard, really really hard but you will see a large benefit from it in the long run! 

*One thing/person that is inspirational to you and why?
Every Endo sister that is out there is a motivation for me. The ones who have worked hard to kick its ass and the ones who are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every one of them inspires me to be healthy and strong. I want to prove that it can be done and knowing that I am not the only one suffering helps me stay motivated to fight to help represent every one of the endo sisters out there. 

*What is your favourite excersize to do that you find eases your endo pain?
Oh tough question! During a flare up it seems like NOTHING eases the pain!! haha!! But during the other days weight lifting, medium cardio, and deep stretching really do the trick for long term effects. If there is ONE exercise it would be yoga style stretching, deep and intense but it will also help strengthen you. But let me be totally honest, I just love weight lifting and it has done a lot for me but I am educated in how to do it. 

*And finally have you a favourite endo friendly recipe you'd like to share that makes you feel great?
I love to eat as clean and simple as possible and it can be done in such a tasty manor. Shakes really do the trick for me, my favorite simple recipe is:
-Scoop of Egg White protein
-Coconut milk
-Flax seed oil with lignans
-handfull of spinach (cant taste it)
-Half of an avocado (cant taste it)
-Honey greek yogurt

Your name: (whatever you want to be known as)
Aly Hollewijn

Your websites: twitter/fb/website
Instagram: kickinglife
I am going to be setting up a twitter with hopefully the kickinglife handle soon!! But for now it is Alyfitness (I dont use it too often but I am making some professional changes soon which will allow me to focus more on my fitness and endo blogging)
Blog: (I will be blogging more soon)

A recipe inspired by Aly's answers 
Frozen Blueberry Protein Smoothie

6 Frozen Strawberries
Handful of frozen Raspberries
Three Handfuls of frozen Blueberries
100ml Coconut Milk (sub with any other milks quinoa/nut/seeds)
1 Scoop of Pea Protein

Start with your frozen fruits and add them to your blender.

Add your protein and milk to your high speed blender.

Whizz everything from low to high then keep it on high until you get a lovely smooth consistency.


x x x

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