Monday, 5 November 2012

Hot Smoked Salmon Jackets

Hot Smoked Salmon Jackets
Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Rice Free, Soya Free, Refined Sugar Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Lactose Free, Endometriosis, Crohns & Celiac Safe.

3 small Potatoes
2 sheets of smoked salmon
mixed herbs
pink peppercorn to taste
pure spread

First stab your potatoes with a knife, small jabs  all over.

 Then seal your potatoes into foil, just place the foil onto the tray, put your potatoes onto the foil and wrap them up like you would a pasty.

Put the into the oven for 30-35 minutes at gas mark 5.
 Take the potatoes out of the oven after your timer has run down, open the foil out add some twists of salt (if desired) and a drizzle of olive oil over the tops.

Put the potatoes back into the oven for a further 20-25 minutes on gas mark 7
When they are golden take them out and put them onto a plate, quarter them with a knife and mash the insides of the potatoe with a fork, add the pure spread and mix that in.

Add the red radish hot sauce and layer the smoked salmon ontop.

Sprinkle with mixed herbs.

And serve.

x x x 

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